
Why The Library is Amazing | WHY AREN’T WE USING THE LIBRARY MORE (?!?!)

Library Shelves

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I know a lot of us fall into the camp that wants to have all the books and fall a little bit towards hoarding and blowing ridiculous sums of money on books (my bank account is very sad, and has been for EVER).

I always say I want to have an entire room someday where the walls are just completely covered with shelves of books – my own personal library.  Until then, I will be sad and just stare at my one shelf of books.

I will be sad.  


Now don’t get me wrong, I love investing my spare money in book stores and authors.  They deserve it!  But why am I draining myself (erm, more my bank account) to get books I can’t afford (college is fracken expensive, people) and maybe sometimes don’t even end up reading because I have a very daunting TBR stack that is constantly staring me down glaring at me??

Attack of Responsibility


That’s right.  They have a coffee vending machine.  Don’t ask me why I was so amused the first time I discovered this.  I had never seen one before, I had only heard tales through the grapevine of these caffeine-giving, lovely money-suckers.


And right next to the coffee vending machines, there are rows upon rows of books.  Not to mention the quiet little comfy, cozy spaces they have to do homework.  Why am I sitting on the concrete floor of my basement to do homework you ask?  Well, here’s the answer.  I DON’T FRACKEN KNOW.

I think we need to support our libraries by utilizing them.  I mean for cucumbers sake, that’s what they’re there for!

Geez, did I mention free books. 


Also LIBRARIANS.  They’re wonderful humans!  And by humans I mean incredible sorcerers of all that is good in this world.  They are irreplaceable and invaluable and WHO DOESN’T LOVE LIBRARIANS?

Guess what?  They won’t be around, and neither will the libraries, if we don’t use them.  A lot of people have told me they don’t like to listen to audiobooks because of the price.  It’s true – audiobooks tend to be more expensive than old faithful (the paperback, of course).  However, most libraries have a fantastic audiobook section that you can borrow from.  Meaning you don’t have to pay for it.  Yeah, you have to give it back.  But did I mention that it’s free and it keeps the libraries thriving?

Basically, here’s what I’m saying.  Don’t put pressure on yourself to spend your whole paycheck to buy books because you feel like you have to so you can be part of the book-loving community.

Mr. Krabs showering in money
*spoiler alert: we’re not all drowning in cash

I can love a book I don’t own.  Even more so, I LOVE the idea of supporting an institution that deserves it, like my local library.  Honestly, they’re quite underrated these days (in my experience)!  It makes me sad.  I have so many fond memories of going to the library as a kid, and I just stopped going one day.

Here’s a new goal for me: go to the library more often.  Actually borrow books from the library instead of shelling out every last penny I have, and stop buying books simply based on hype.

I’m trying to be fiscally responsible here while also supporting my community, people.

Mr. Robot Elliot YES

Talk to me!

Do you also feel that libraries are under-appreciated?  DO YOU LOVE MR. ROBOT?  Do you throw dollars upon dollars into the wind when you go to the book store??  Does anyone ACTUALLY have a manageable TBR because they have self-control??? (if so, PLS SHARE YOUR MAGICAL RESTRAINT WITH ME)  Let me know in the comments below!  🙂

12 thoughts on “Why The Library is Amazing | WHY AREN’T WE USING THE LIBRARY MORE (?!?!)

  1. I use it, but I use the digital library more. I bough access to Brooklyn, NYC and my local libraries so I can have an extensive catalog to choose from – since my local library is actually pretty small. But yeah, I love it. The library out of my state tho can get expensive. I think I paid 75 bucks for a year membership? But, but… I can read a lot of books for that money, as long as I can wait for them to become available.


    1. Digital libraries are fantastic! And yes, patience is my problem. I have NONE. No self-control and completely impatient! I’m just over here whining (to my animals) but I waaaaaaaannnt it. I’m a child when it comes to waiting for things! But the free books. FREE. Like what am I doing with my life


  2. Yep, libraries are great for those of us who can’t afford our book habits! Lol. I don’t borrow physical books, but I do borrow ebooks. There are lots of audiobooks available through the online stuff too for anyone who likes those! They don’t have all the books I want to read, but hey, between Hoopla and the other site my library uses, at least I get to read some of the books I otherwise wouldn’t 🙂


    1. Exactly! They may not have new releases and yeah you have to have patience, which it seems I am COMPLETELY lacking in, but it saves some money! Also, I have found that when I’m trying to do homework I focus way better in the library. Mine is a magical place of coolness 😛


  3. Haha, I’m glad your librarians are awesome 😀 I live in Europe, our librarians often stare you down with scorn 😀 our libraries don’t have audiobooks at all and aren’t very nice to sit in, often. No coffee vending machines either xD but I do appreciate my library, so does my mom and grandma, we are frequent visitors. Unfortunately, as I’m a blogger, I often care about newer books, and that’s something our library can’t provide. Translating things into my language takes a while, sometimes books won’t get published for years. And only select ones. So I mostly just buy e-books on Amazon. Otherwise I wouldn’t ever see all the new titles. But the library still has a lot of good classics and good old sci-fi and fantasy too 🙂 (moms currently raiding Tolkien :D)

    I am thankful for my library, especially because it’s free. I have a friend in Netherlands (I think?) and apparently you have to pay for a library there! Now that makes me sad.


    1. I have heard tales where you have to pay to check things out from the library, and it too makes me sad! That is not what I have personally known as a library. And I’ve NEVER met a librarian that isn’t approachable. This just goes to show how un-traveled and American I am. One day when I am fabulously rich I’m going to buy your library several cushy couches and a bunch of coffee vending machines! THEY ALL SHOULD HAVE THEM ALRIGHT?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Haha 😀 they should totally. Yeah, I guess the mean librarians come from back in the day when the Soviets were still in power, because back then, “the customer was always at fault” xD that’s what we say to the American “the customer is always right”. I grew up with shop ladies shouting at me 😀 it’s changed now, but since most librarians are old, I guess it stuck, and well… They’re not paid very well. But the younger ones are nice 🙂 so it’s probably just a generational thing.

        Liked by 1 person

  4. What is a “manageable TBR”???? WHAT IS THIS MYTHICAL CREATURE YOU’RE SPEAKING OF???😂 Bahhaha. But yes! YES. I use my library! I go basically every week and it’s the actual best thing of my life. Although it basically explodes my TBR constantly because I swear librarians are evil and make sure ALL my reserves come in at once. So either I have 0 books to pick up or 302. ARGHH. 😂 I currently have about 6 books out that are due back next week and I’m wondering what sacrifice I can make to the bookish universe so I can skip sleep and get all my reading done. Ahem. But libraries are SO GOOD when you can’t afford as many books as you like to read. And I also like reading risky books by then? Like books I’m not sure I’ll like. Then I don’t risk wasting money! So. much. win.


    1. YES I CHECK OUT BOOKS I’M NOT SURE ABOUT FROM THE LIBRARY. I have no commitment to it aside from giving it back when it’s due. If I’m not excited about a book, but still kind of want to give it a try, I get so RIDICULOUSLY NERVOUS. But the library never scares me like that!
      Yeah, manageable TBR. Sounds like made-up words from a different language to me. I don’t know where the heck those came from! NOT MY BRAIN. THAT’S FOR SURE


  5. I agree about all of this!! I mean, I would LOVE to own hundreds of books (and sometimes find myself feeling a little bad that I don’t since SO MANY other book bloggers buy ALL their books) but libraries are definitely wonderful and I’m glad you agree! Fantastic post!


    1. Right?? Of course I have dreams that my future place of living will be constructed by mountains of books that I have collected over time, but that is a HUGE investment and my bank account can hardly keep up with the books I have to buy for school! Don’t ever feel bad about it. The overall goal is reading and flailing with each other about what we’ve read 😀

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