
7 Books I’ve Read in One Sitting | I HAVEN’T DONE THIS ENOUGH

Sometimes, the “I NEED TO FINISH THIS BOOK IMMEDIATELY OR I WILL DIE” feeling will creep up on you.  You cannot tear your eyes away from it, like a car accident on the freeway.  You lose all track of time, and forget to do things humans have to do like eat, or pee, or breathe (I hold my breath when reading intense scenes, 0/10 WOULD NOT RECOMMEND [unless you are a human fish hybrid]).

This week’s Top Ten Tuesday, a weekly meme hosted over at The Broke and The Bookish, is based around books you’ve just completely devoured in one sitting/spent your whole day reading/are good to read when you’re short on time/etc.

Now, this doesn’t happen to me very often unfortunately (hence there being only seven)!  It used to be more of a common thing for me, but sadly being an “adult” has gotten in my way when it comes to reading binges.  Like, yeah, I probably shouldn’t skip the class that I’m paying for that is $1,200 PER FRACKEN CREDIT HOUR.

However, that doesn’t mean I haven’t abandoned all plans and responsibilities every once in a while to dive into a book an not come back until I’m done.

So, here you have it.


Breaking DawnBreaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer

This was huge for me!  I think I might have been in 8th grade at the time?  Wow.  I suddenly feel old.  This was one of my first binge reads!  I was determined to finish it all the day I started it, even if it meant my butt was literally bruised for like a week after.  I don’t know why, but I have a very distinct memory of getting a very sore bum from the position I was reading in all day and completely refused to change.  Stubborn 8th grade me was A COMPLETE MESS. Goodreads


Harry Potter and The Cursed ChildHarry Potter and The Cursed Child by who the crap knows anymore (John Tiffany, Jack Thorne, J.K. Rowling)

I really was convinced that J.K. Rowling had written this, and neglected to use my eyeballs to read the text on the cover.  I was super disappointed because I was unaware of this.  However, it only took me a couple hours to get through this since it’s in play format.  Like yeah, I was expecting some high-grade HP follow up, but it’s not like I spent millions upon kajillions of hours reading it to be super let down. meh.  Goodreads


Allegiant CoverAllegiant by Veronica Roth

I think Allegiant kept me up until like 4:37 AM.  I couldn’t stop, which made the dual POVs even more similar.  I was delirious.  And crying a lot.  Seriously, a lot of the pages are completely warped.  Also, I threw the book at my wall.  It’s a little subpar looking.



All The Bright PlacesAll The Bright Places by Jennifer Niven

THIS BOOK WAS SO GOOD.  IT ALSO GAVE ME A SORE BUTT BECAUSE I WAS SITTING ON A COUCH PULL-OUT BED THINGY AND THE METAL WAS STABBING MY BUTT BUT HOW COULD I CHANGE POSITIONS WHEN I WAS READING THIS? RIGHT, I COULDN’T.  All The Bright Places got me out of a MAJOR reading slump.  I loved it so much, and I was exhausted after.  My emotions no longer existed – I was essentially emotionally constipated ok.

Needless to say, I was destroyed for the next week and couldn’t be bothered to converse normally.  Goodreads


The Fault In Our StarsThe Fault in Our Stars by John Green

So, I read TFIOS on New Year’s Eve.  Holy cucumbers, what a mistake.  When I picked this up, it was solely on a recommendation from a friend, and I really knew nothing about it.  I didn’t even read the synopsis.

I WAS A WRECK THE ENTIRE NIGHT.  I have never cried during a ball drop, but let me tell you, that New Year I was fracken thankful but also pissed off because reasons I will not say because spoilers (if you haven’t been spoiled for TFIOS, HOW DID YOU MANAGE THAT??????).  Goodreads

CAUTION: don’t read The Fault in Our Stars on New Year’s Eve unless you want to have a bad time.

Milk and HoneyMilk and Honey by Rupi Kaur

I have this problem when I read books of poetry where I CANNOT SLOW DOWN TO APPRECIATE THE LANGUAGE.  I have been trying to slow myself down to take it in fully.  A lot of poetry is short and has a high impact because of how meticulous the author was.  Why do I not slow down? WHY

That being said, they’re a good way to bulk up your “read” shelf if you need a confidence boost.  Yes, when I have finished more books I have more confidence.  Don’t try to tell me you don’t get the same feeling.  Goodreads

Why We Broke UpWhy We Broke Up by David Handler

This one I started reading late at night and stayed up until 5:30 AM reading it.  Don’t ask me why I do these things to myself.  I don’t know.  I didn’t even feel that compelled to finish this one ASAP, I just did.  It was something that didn’t require intense concentration, and parts of it are illustrated!  HECK YES.  Goodreads

I’m sure there are more books I’ve read in one sitting, but just simply can’t remember.  I tend to be a goldfish when it comes to memory retention these days.  All of my available memory is set aside for memorizing things like what class of drug does what and why and when and how and OMG PHARMACOLOGY IS NOTHING BUT MEMORIZATION (save me)

Talk to me!

Has anyone read any of these painfully slowly?  Do you ever use books of poetry to give yourself some motivation (don’t lie to me!)??? What books have you absolutely devoured and gotten sore bums over?  Let me know in the comments!

18 thoughts on “7 Books I’ve Read in One Sitting | I HAVEN’T DONE THIS ENOUGH

    1. I’m really not someone who typically reads in one sitting either! These were typically special circumstances. I would do it more often if I had TIME. I don’t. Most of these I read when I was in high school/didn’t have a job yet. I got a job at 15 years old, so it’s safe to say I’ve been quite busy since then 😛 Most of my read in one sittings that occur in present time happen over holiday breaks from school or summer vacation now. Adulting is not the most wonderful thing!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh, dear friend, do not be intimidated by All The Bright Places. It is gorgeous writing, and you will fly through it! TRUST ME. THIS WAS ONE OF THE BOOKS WHERE I FORGOT TO BREATHE A LOT.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. All The Bright Places put me into such a bad reading slump too. No one could compare to my Theodore Finch. Also, not to mention, every time I saw a fracken finch outside my heart would drop into my stomach and I’d be like OMG FINCH…finch :c
      That last chunk of book was so hard to read, yet I FLEW threw it because I needed it. I usually maintain a steady reading speed throughout a book unless something real crazy sauce is happening, but not with that one.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. The last sentence of the book was “I am haunted by humans” !
        I am not ever going to forget this sentence !

        By the way, is their any other book which consumed like the book thief ?


  1. Oh I loved Why We Broke Up!! I’ve never met anyone else who’s read it haha.😂 It was cute and dorky and SAD all at once omg. And kind of a train wreck watching their relationship but then the title kind of tells you that, right??! 😉 I loooved All the Bright Places and read it in one day (but not one sitting…I can’t sit still that long!) and IT DESTROYED ME IN THE BEST POSSIBLE WAY.


    1. Yes Why We Broke Up was like allllll cute and dorky and I was like MIN (I’m pretty sure that was her name) OPEN YOUR FRACKEN EYES YOU’RE GOING TO GET HURT YOU POOR LITTLE BABY. I should have known better, but so should she??? Maybe? All The Bright Places shattered my soul and snatched up a piece THAT I WILL NEVER FIND AGAIN. I was so sad, but it was so so so so so worth it. That book is my life. I’ve had dreams about Finch, SERIOUSLY.


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